Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holidays gift: Japanese language support

The team of Logical Objects is constantly working to improve and expand the potential of LogicalDOC software and also this month has produced a new release that fixes some issues reported on some installations of our customers and partners.

As usual, the problems are not so simple to solve as they can occur under specific conditions or specific installations related to the number of users or groups rather than on the operating system and antivirus configuration.

However, it is with live and vibrant satisfaction that we announce the release of version 6.3.2 of LogicalDOC

It is mainly a bugfix release, although there are some new features for multiple language support.

Here is the complete list of changes divided by type

New Features
  • Japanese GUI translation
  • Czech GUI translation
  • Support for the Japanese during full-text indexing/search

  • Optimized PDF conversion speed
  • Upgrade the component for the preview of documents
  • Preview for TIFF and GIF images
  • Better thumbnail presentation
  • Confirmation prompt when moving items/folders
  • Improved preview for stored email documents (msg and eml files) [Commercial editions]

Bug fixes
  • Unable to update user details
LogicalDOC Enterprise can be downloaded in the Trial 30 days version  from the official website or you can fill out the form to gain access to the online demo.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the LogicalDOC development team !!
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Community Initiatives

Launched a new project aimed at Community of LogicalDOC users.
Earn Money with LogicalDOC!
The first project involves the construction of a prototype to run load test on LogicalDOC
The other active project is a contest for the creation of a demo video of LogicalDOC.
For more details follow the link above
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Friday, June 17, 2011

LogicalDOC Office® Addin

The LogicalDOC announced to all Microsoft© Office© the availability of the LogicalDOC Office Add-In that will allow among the other things to:

  • Browse folders and open a document directly from Office
  • Perform chec-out/check-in operations
  • Store opened files directly into LogicalDOC

LogicalDOC is integrated into Office with an Addin you can install into your PC.
Once installed you will be able to open office document stored in LogicalDOC directly in your Office application.
Of course LogicalDOC will take care of the versioning and check-out/check-in operations.

The tool Bar

Opening a Document

Saving a document

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Released LogicalDOC Outlook AddIn v1.0

The version 1.0 of the LogicalDOC Outlook AddIn is now available!

Today, many commercial and operational communications transit to and from organizations via email.
To improve the knowledge of these informations and business processes is necessary to make these informations available so they are accessible and usable without having to rewrite or duplicate each time.

Using this plugin you can store your emails in logicaldoc for sharing  and make the informations contained in them more accessible via the logicaldoc full-text search future.

Emails are saved in the original Outlook .msg format, so you can then download them from logicaldoc and view them in Outlook, attachments are also saved along with the email.

The second feature of the plugin is to save the attachments.
In some cases, in fact the relevant information is not the mail, but in the documents it carries.
Therefore it is unnecessary to save the whole email, while it is very useful the possibility to save the associated files.

The last feature in this first release is the ability to select directly from LogicalDOC, thanks to a simple function of browsing, one or more documents to be attached to an outgoing email.
This way you can send documents directly from Outlook, without having to access in advance and download documents locally.

LogicalDOC Outlook Addin is an optional plug-in available for the commercial editions of the software starting from version 6.0.2

For more information see the Outlook AddIn page on the website of the product.

LogicalDOC Menu

Configuration: default folder for email archiving

Result of importing email

Open Attachments browser
LogicalDOC Attachments browser
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why we choose GWT

LogicalDOC moved from a traditional user interface based on scripting technology like JSP/JSF to the modern and powerful GWT framework coming from Google. Up to now, we are proud to offer the Document Management System with the more advanced user interface available today.
This new approach allowed us to drastically reduce the code for the presentation layer and limit the knowledge needed to develop, since we dropped a lot of complex enterprise technologies to start to develop in pure Java language.

LogicalDOC 6.0 GWT GUI (click to enlarge)

When the experience counts

It doesn't matter how good is your product, the only thing your users will look is the user interface. After all each electronic artifact exists to serve human people business processes. So the way in which your users interact with your system is the most important aspect and you have to take care about your users experience.
A graphical user interface based on GWT (Google Web Toolkit) technologies will assure you these following goals:
  • High response times, since all the GUI is executed in the client side
  • High experience, equal to a traditional desktop systems
  • Compatibility with all used browsers
The best thing that GWT will do for you is to completely decouple the presentation layer (completely executed in the client) from the business and data layers (completely executed in the server)

GWT role in an Enterprise Application

Approaching the development of an enterprise-class application like LogicalDOC, involves the development of a large number of similar widget and forms for data manipulation. These elements are presentation layer components, and here are two general approaches to develop them:
  1. Creating of separate classes which represents visual component for each form.
  2. Creating universal visual components and widgets that can be composed together
If you try to follow the first way you probably will have a lot of code to produce and a lot of development time. You may agree that the correct approach is the first one and GWT simply adopts the Object Oriented paradigm allowing you to reuse components and take benefit from concept like inheritance and polymorphism.
So when building a user interface with GWT, it is possible to use generic components, significantly reducing the resources for the development of the presentation layer. In addition since GWT is pure Java you will not be required to use senior development resources, you just develop in standard Java.
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Search LogicalDOC from your Smartphone

Logical Objects is pleased to announce that from Friday 02/11/2011 is available on Google Marketplace the LogicalDOC App in version 1.0.

This application allows you to connect to a remote LogicalDOC 6.0 and via Web-services perform full-text search on the repository of documents, to view the results of a search (including snippets of text) and to download the document on your smart-phone or Android tablet.

The application works with both LogicalDOC CE (Community Edition) and the Commercial editions of software.

Find the LogicalDOC Android App in the Android Marketplace searching for 'logicaldoc'

LogicalDOC Android icon

Configuring connection parameters to a LogicalDOC server instance

Composing Full-text search

Full-text search results

Display content snippet of a search result

Download of a document can be activated by doing a long-time press on a result of a full-text search

Find the LogicalDOC Android App in the Android Marketplace searching for 'logicaldoc'
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